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3 ways that money could lead to a divorce

On Behalf of | Feb 3, 2025 | Divorce

Sharing finances is part and parcel of being married. Yet, it can be challenging. One moment everything you earned was yours alone, then you marry and no longer have the freedom to spend your paycheck as you please.

Hence it is no surprise that couples often cite money differences as one of the primary reasons for divorcing. Here are three particular aspects that can be troublesome in a marriage:

1. Debts

Having debt can be stressful for a couple, especially at times when income drops. The stress it puts on each individual can leave them less able to be present and caring partners towards each other.

2. The balance between spending and saving

You might be keen to put money away each month into a savings fund. It could be as an emergency fund in case one of you loses your job or needs medical treatment. Or it could be with an eye on retirement. If your spouse prefers to live in the moment and spend excess money on things such as holidays and restaurant meals, it could soon lead to conflict unless you can meet somewhere in the middle. 

3. Guilt around spending

If someone knows their spouse would disapprove of a certain purchase, they may try to hide the cost from them. They might lie and tell their spouse that the designer coat they just bought was on sale when it was full price. If their spouse finds out they have been lying they might wonder what else they have been lying about. The breakdown in trust that can occur when spouses feel unable to be honest with each other about money can gnaw away at the foundations of the marriage.

While divorce will allow you to take control of your own finances once more, there will likely be more disagreements over money in the divorce itself. Understanding how to advocate for what you are due will be crucial.