Sharing finances is part and parcel of being married. Yet, it can be challenging. One moment everything you earned was yours alone, then you marry and no longer have the freedom to spend your paycheck as you please. Hence it is no surprise that couples often cite...
How to start the prenup conversation
Talking about a prenuptial agreement with your significant other can feel uncomfortable because it touches on sensitive topics like money, trust and the possibility of a breakup. This can clash with the romantic ideals of a lifelong partnership, making for a delicate...
4 tips for helping your kids cope with your divorce
Divorce is almost never an easy process for all involved parties. When there are children involved, the emotional challenges can be even more pronounced as they try to make sense of the changes in their lives. Understanding how to communicate the decision to your...
Choosing between divorce and legal separation
Couples sometimes hit a rough patch in their marriage. And while they may no longer want to be under the same roof, they’re not quite ready to ultimately call it quits. Sometimes, a legal separation may seem like a good compromise. Still, it comes with its own...
Should you set up a divorce registry?
In recent years, divorce registries have become increasingly popular as a way to help individuals transition through the often challenging process of ending a marriage. Much like wedding registries, divorce registries allow friends and family to provide practical...
Should you worry about losing a premarital business in divorce?
Divorce can introduce many uncertainties, especially regarding the division of assets accumulated during the marriage. One major concern you might have as an entrepreneur is whether you will lose your premarital business in a divorce. If you owned a business before...
Emotional stages you may encounter during divorce
Divorce can be a challenging life transition whether a couple saw it coming or if one spouse didn’t anticipate that their partner wanted a divorce. From the outside looking in, people may perceive divorce simply as the end of a relationship. However, for couples going...
4 recommended steps to take when presented with a prenup
Being asked to sign a prenuptial agreement can stir up unwanted emotions and doubt about the strength of your relationship. Like many, you might see prenups as emblems of doubt, hinting at a shaky future. But before you put a pause on your wedding plans, believing the...
Financial mistakes to avoid when divorcing
Divorce is not only emotionally challenging but can also be financially draining if not handled properly. It's crucial to navigate the process with foresight and avoid common financial pitfalls. The following are key financial mistakes to steer clear of when going...
Your divorce odds are higher if you got married young
How old were you when you got married? You may find yourself considering your odds of divorce or trying to plan ahead if you think a divorce is coming up. What you will find is that the age at which you tied the knot can play a big role in whether or not you will...