When you tally up all the assets you and your spouse have, is the total $1 million or more? Whether it’s a healthy investment portfolio, the equity in your home or money in a bank account, that means you’re a “high-asset” couple. If you’re headed for divorce, that...
High-Asset Divorce
The unique challenges of high-asset divorces
Most people in Indiana find going through a divorce challenging. Individuals with a high net worth and substantial financial assets may face additional complications. Understanding finances A major challenge in a high-asset divorce is the management of the couple's...
Dividing art collection in Indiana divorce
Many people in Indiana are diversifying their portfolios by investing in one of the safest yet highly profitable areas of the market: art. Whether it's a classic painting, an antique sculpture or even a modern piece of contemporary art, these collections often become...
High-asset divorce for medical practice owners
Divorce can be challenging for anyone, but it can be particularly complicated for owners of a medical practice. High-asset divorce involves the division of significant assets and property, and the stakes can be even higher for owners of a medical practice due to the...
How to handle issues with stock during divorce
When a couple decides to get a divorce in Indiana, one of the most important decisions they will make is how to divide their assets. This can be especially difficult when significant investments or stock options are involved. The following discusses the basics of...