When parents in Indiana separate or divorce, child support will usually be one of the topics they discuss. However, child support does not cover all expenses related to a child’s upbringing, so they will also have to figure out how to divide these additional expenses....
Will you lose your medical practice in a California divorce?
Becoming a physician with your practice involves years of schooling, long hours and hard work. If you are a physician going through a divorce, you may worry that you will lose that practice due to California's strict division of property laws. Community property laws...
How to get started preparing for divorce
Divorce is a major life change with short-term and long-term consequences. The change overwhelms many people who don’t know what to focus on. As Indiana residents prepare for the end of their marriage, getting organized can help make the process as smooth as possible....
Handling commingled assets in Indiana divorce
When you marry someone in Indiana, you expect to merge your lives. This often includes financial assets. Family law refers to shared finances as commingled assets, which upon divorce, couples must divide. The two main types of properties in marriage When it comes to...
Divorce and your finances
While going through a divorce in Indiana, you could realize that there might be a significant impact on your finances in the future. Until the process is complete, it's important to try to stay as organized and as calm as possible so that you don't make a financial...
Overcoming the narcissist in a divorce in Indiana
Deciding to go through a divorce in Indiana can be challenging in almost any situation. However, if your spouse is a narcissist, then there could be the increased difficulty associated with trying to break free from the other person. Here are a few tips you can keep...
What to consider before divorcing when you have kids
There might not be a way to prevent your children from feeling sad over you and their other parent splitting up, but you could try to consider your timing. Before you file for divorce with the Indiana courts, take a look at some of your child's recent life events....
How to handle compensation when divorcing an executive
At first, the thought of divorcing an executive or person in a similar role might sound like an easy payday. However, many in this situation learn that divorcing someone well-off in Indiana is more complicated than they think. With that in mind, here are a few...
The impact of undisclosed assets in divorce agreements
The division of property is one of the tasks that must happen as part of a divorce settlement. Indiana divorce law requires that couples divide their assets fairly. Splitting assets can be complicated even when both partners cooperate. If a spouse is hiding assets, it...
Tips for older adults to recover financially from divorce
If you are an older adult in Indiana who is going through a divorce, you may face a number of financial challenges. Getting a divorce in your 50s, 60s and later can mean revising your retirement plans and making some difficult choices about how to divide assets....